Today sees the continuation of our Dadly Daily Declaration series with insights drawn from Robin Sharma‘s newest book, The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life.
The next eleven declarations will explain Sharma’s Eleven Maxims to Increase Your Financial Fortune and Experience an Exquisite Life. The tenth maxim is: Heaven on Earth is a State, Not a Place.
Here are a few gems from today’s reading:
- Take daily voyages into awe and regular adventures into wonder. Wonder is such a potent source of happiness and a key skill in the promotion of your ever-increasing genius. All the great women and men of the world learned how to relax into the magic of a day enchantingly spent.
- “Heaven on Earth” isn’t a place to visit but a state you can inhabit. The way you perceive and experience life will revolutionize your experience.
- But because of the tainted filter through which you were seeing the world, you were blocked from knowing it. Yet, nothing is wrong.
- There has been no waste. All is unfolding as it should.
- At your end, you will realize that very little of what happened to you was an accident. Everything was for your growth. And all was for your good.
That leads us to today’s Dadly Daily Declaration:
As you dedicate more time to personal mastery, the amount of self-love you feel will expand. And all lavish successes and private joys do depend on loving oneself. What keeps you in bondage to your doubts, insecurities and fears is low inner worth. Because of what people told you about yourself in your early childhood, your subconscious mind discounts your braveness, smothers your highness and chains your greatness.
As you let go of the false beliefs that you were taught are truths, and as you release the emotional wounds that closed you to love, you will develop the ability to sense this all-new reality. It has always been there.