AchieveBe DadlyDeclare

Your problems don’t derail you, your hidden expectations do.

Dadly Daily Declaration

Here is today’s Game and what’s going on.

Here is what I discovered today in our Dadly Daily Declaration readings from Chapter 8 of Unfu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop.  The title of this chapter is the personal assertion: “I expect nothing and accept everything.”

  • You are weighed down by expectation.  Not the usual, everyday expectations you are aware of.  You are weighed down by the hidden and treacherous expectations dwelling in the wings and under the stage of your Broadway blockbuster.  You didn’t even know you had these expectations until they came out of nowhere and blindsided you and sucked the air from your lungs.
  • When you take on a life-changing project, you prepare for it from what you know. You picture it in your mind, research it, ask others for their opinion and advice, and consume reams of information.  You assemble an idea of what it looks like and how you will get there. That image becomes the template from which you work and plan.
  • What you don’t see is that you’re also setting up a world of hidden expectations – the cracks and crevices hidden in the foundation of your best-laid plans that can kill off a potential idea before it really gets going.
  • How do you know if you have hidden expectations in your life? If you have places in your life where you experience disappointment, resentment, regret, suppression, anger, lethargy, essentially anywhere you are deflated or have some loss of your personal chutzpah or any other suppressive emotion, you have these expectations. Any place where you’re just not yourself – if you look at these places long enough, you’ll see the reality of that area of your life is in some way short of the scenario you had anticipated in your mind’s eye.
  • Your powerlessness is directly correlated to the gap between your hidden expectations and your reality. The greater the gap, the worse you’ll actually feel.
  • The upsets strewn throughout your entire life are a product of thousands of unspoken or unrecognized expectations that cast a giant shadow across your life experience, causing great stress when you’re trying to make life fit with your expectations and great disappointments when life doesn’t match up to them.
  • Expectations actually get in the way of our real lives, our real issues and items that require attention. They are like a mirage that diverts us from our genuine power and clouds our ability to take pronounced, decisive action. You end up working on your expectations and having life line up with them rather than taking the actions that would positively impact your situation.

Those gems lead us to today’s Dadly Daily Declaration:

Many of the difficulties and complications in your life are the direct result of expectations that you have or have had. Your problems don’t derail you, your hidden expectations do.

CUT IT OUT! Let go of those expectations NOW!

It’s much more powerful to come to terms with life’s unpredictability and to engage with your circumstances for what they actually are than get bogged down by your refusal to let go of unnecessary or unproductive expectations.

It’s so much more effective to simply take things as they present themselves, to live in the moment, and solve issues and items as they arise, than to constantly expect.

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Mike Crowden

Father of a daughter. Husband. Entrepreneur. Avid hiker, kayaker, camper, and lover of the outdoors. Go Ducks!

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