
You must do what is right for you.

Dadly Daily Declaration

Here is today’s Game and what’s going on.

Here is what I discovered today in our Dadly Daily Declaration reading from The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne.

The title of today’s reading is “Make It Personal.”  Let’s jump in with a few highlights first:

  • Winners use five rules, called the 5 Pillars of Success. These pillars are
    • Planning & preparation
    • Professional accountability
    • Social support
    • An incentive
    • The big deadline. 
  • If you have all 5 Pillars then you have the foundation to guarantee that you will achieve your number one priority in life, whether it is to lose weight, make more money, or find the person of your dreams. But if one—or more—is missing, then your odds of success decrease dramatically.
  • “Everything that happens to us—good and bad—is our personal responsibility. We can blame no one else. These are the choices we’ve made—this is the life we’re living. We will accept the consequences of our actions.” This is my eighth Rule for Living, and one that I recommend you adopt in some way.
  • As time passes, most people will allow themselves to remain in the same place, advancing neither miles nor even inches. Not you. You are in it to win it. You will not take the easy way out and rest on your past victories. The enemy cares not for what you did yesterday. It starts fresh again today. So must you. You know what to do. I don’t need to lecture you anymore about the power of preparation. Now it’s merely about fine-tuning your mind and creating powerful habits for success. 
  • This is your one-and-only earthly life. You must do what is right for you. Control your mornings, conquer the chaos that others bring into your life, and concentrate on what counts at night. 
  • Your life is your personal responsibility. Use these 5 Pillars to put in place the foundation to support it.

Those gems lead us to today’s Dadly Daily Declaration:

There is an old saying: “If it is to be, it’s up to me.” That is the cold, hard truth. You, and you alone, are responsible for exactly where you are in life. You are responsible for your friends, your family, your wealth, your health, your energy, your motivation, your days, your nights, your rules, your vision, and your behavior.

When we take personal responsibility for who, what, and where we are in life, it changes our perspective on success. We can now take control of our lives.

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Mike Crowden

Father of a daughter. Husband. Entrepreneur. Avid hiker, kayaker, camper, and lover of the outdoors. Go Ducks!

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