
Take full responsibility for your work environment and behaviors.

Dadly Daily Declaration

Here is today’s Game and what’s going on.

Here is what I discovered today in our Dadly Daily Declaration reading from The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne.

The title of today’s reading is “The 1st Pillar: Planning and Preparation.”  Let’s jump in with a few highlights first:

  • You must have a physical and mental version of mise-en-place in your life to control your working environment. Mise-en-place translates into “everything in its place.”
  • Take full responsibility for your work environment and behaviors. Everything you do either sets you up for success or puts another obstacle in your way. You must be prepared with the right tools and rituals to make the right decisions for your day. You must eliminate the temptations that stand in your way.
  • Control requires the removal of temptation, and temptations are individual. Your temptation could be the siren’s call of going back to bed. It could be getting sucked into the office drama found within your email inbox. It could be getting obsessed with the negative news of the day. But all of these can wait. You can have a nap later. The office drama will resolve itself. Your email can wait. And there’s nothing you can do about something that happened half a world away. 
  • These trivial matters can wait—and MUST wait—until you have made progress on your priority. 
  • Identify your temptations. Write them down. And then plan and prepare to methodically remove them from your morning. If the television tempts you, then do your work in a room without one. If you constantly search the fridge—in procrastination rather than hunger—then work in your basement or attic, far removed from the kitchen. If you struggle not to visit your favorite websites, use a computer that is not connected to the Internet or use a software program that restricts you from the Internet. Do whatever you must do to eliminate distractions and temptations.
  • Removing temptations is one of the most important actions you can take to keep yourself on track. Identify ways you can remove your temptations in life.

Those gems lead us to today’s Dadly Daily Declaration:

There are many things we want to accomplish in life, but there can be only one number one priority at a time. Know it, attack it, and focus on it every day. Create the right working environment, right now, and conquer your day so you can concentrate on what counts at night.

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Mike Crowden

Father of a daughter. Husband. Entrepreneur. Avid hiker, kayaker, camper, and lover of the outdoors. Go Ducks!

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