Be DadlyDeclare

Stay out of the swamp of mediocrity and drama.

Dadly Daily Declaration

Here is today’s Game and what’s going on.

Here is what I discovered today in our Dadly Daily Declaration readings from the second part of Chapter 8 of Unfu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop.  The title of this chapter is the personal assertion: “I expect nothing and accept everything.”

Here are a few highlights from today’s readings:

  • We are much more irrational and illogical than we realize. In many cases, our subconscious is the puppet master that truly pulls the strings.
  • You can take back your freedom to choose, though. Understand how your mind works, see what it’s doing as it does it, and use that information to cognitively choose something else. Make conscious that which is currently unconscious…Expectations are just one of those things.
  • “I expect nothing and accept everything.” This is not some meek, weak submission to life. No, this is the statement of a masterful celebrant of success, someone who cannot be dominated by anyone or anything.
  • When you expect nothing, you are living in the moment. You’re not worrying about the future or rejecting the past. You’re simply embracing your situation as it comes.
  • When you accept everything, that does not mean you are okay with it or that you agree with it.  Simply, you are owning it and in charge of it.
  • You can change something when you can take ownership and responsibility for it. Own it!
  • The next time you catch yourself being brought down by your expectations, shift things in a different direction. Accept them for what they are. In that moment you are now free to deal with them.
  • The instant you learn to accept things as they happen and let go of expecting, your interactions with other people will improve.
  • You really can accept things for what they are. It does not mean you condone them or that you won’t decisively change them. This is about becoming masterful with your mind and your emotional state. It’s about quieting the mind and allowing yourself to act with power in the situations of your life rather than succumbing to your internal and external upsets.

Those gems lead us to today’s Dadly Daily Declaration:

Don’t expect victory or defeat. Plan for victory, learn from defeat. Be free to love people they way they are and be loved the way that they love you. Free yourself from the burden and melodrama of expectation; let the chips fall where they may.

Stay out of the swamp of mediocrity and drama, reach for your greatest self, your greatest potential, and challenge yourself to live that life every single day of it.

Your life, your success, your happiness really are in your own hands. The power to change, the power to let go, be adventurous, and embrace your potential all lie within your reach. No one can save you, no one can shift you, all of that is your responsibility.  What better time to embrace that change than now?

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Mike Crowden

Father of a daughter. Husband. Entrepreneur. Avid hiker, kayaker, camper, and lover of the outdoors. Go Ducks!

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