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Dadly Daily Declaration

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Today sees the continuation of our Dadly Daily Declaration series drawn from Robin Sharma‘s newest book, The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life.

Our declarations around the The 10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius continue with the Third tactic: The 60/10 Method.  According to Sharma, “research supports that the greatest performers don’t work in a linear way—working harder and longer with the hope of arriving at stronger and better results.

  • After you’ve run the 90/90/1 segment of your workday, use a timer and work at your best for sixty minutes straight while sitting or standing quietly, in your Tight Bubble of Total Focus (Tactic 1).
  • Train yourself not to move. Just concentrate. And create the highest results you can possibly make.
  • After your sixty-minute productivity sprint is done, refuel for ten minutes. Ideas for this recovery cycle include going for a quick walk in fresh air, reading a book that will advance your leadership or personal mastery, meditating, visualizing or listening to energizing music with headphones on like many championship athletes do before they step onto the court, so that their brain’s attention shifts from the ruminating and worrying behaviors of the left hemisphere into the creativity and flow of the right section.
  • After ten wonderful minutes of regeneration, go back and perform your next sixty-minute work segment, full of inspiration, excellence and ingenuity.
  • And then your next ten-minute cycle of renewal.”

That third tactic leads us to today’s Dadly Daily Declaration:

Elite creatives do what they do is by understanding the power of oscillation. They structure their work cycles so that they alternate bursts of deep focus and ferocious intensity of performance with periods of real rest and full recovery.  Human beings do their most astonishing work when they are fresh and relaxed versus exhausted and stressed…so, genuine pros dedicated to the glorification of their genius operate in a mode of pulsation, operating more like sprinters than marathoners.


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Mike Crowden

Father of a daughter. Husband. Entrepreneur. Avid hiker, kayaker, camper, and lover of the outdoors. Go Ducks!

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