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Dadly Daily Declaration

Friday, March 15, 2019

Our Dadly Daily Declaration series continues today with readings from Robin Sharma‘s newest book, The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life.

Here are a few gems from today’s reading: 

  • The way you start your day dramatically influences how it unfolds.
  • Nothing fails like success.
  • It’s time to stop being a fugitive from your highest self and accept membership into a new order of ability, bravery and understanding of the call on your lives to inspire humanity.
  • Procrastination is an act of self-hatred.
  • If you really loved yourself, you’d relinquish all your feelings of not being good enough to be great and renounce all slavery to your weakness. You’d stop focusing on your deficiencies and celebrate your amazing qualities. Just think about it: there’s no person on the planet today who has the unique stack of gifts that you have. Actually, in all of history, there’s never been even one person exactly like you. And there never will be. Yes, you’re that special. That’s an indisputable fact. So, embrace the full force of your lavish talent, luminous strengths and breathtaking powers. Let go of the destructive habit of breaking the commitments you make to yourself. Failing to keep self-promises is one of the reasons so many of us don’t love ourselves. Not following through on what we tell ourselves we’ll do so destroys our sense of personal worth and dissolves our self-esteem. Keep behaving like that and the unconscious part of you will begin to believe you’re not worth anything. We always perform in a way that is aligned with the way we see ourselves. And so, our thinking creates our results. And the less we value ourselves and our powers, the less power we have access to.
  • Stop putting things off, flex those willpower muscles, and make the remainder of your life an exercise in audacity, a testimony to exceptional productivity and a rare expression of unstained beauty. Honor all you truly are by living your genius instead of loathing yourself, by denying your specialness.

Those quotes lead us to today’s Dadly Daily Declaration:

Persistency is necessary for all forms of mastery. In that moment you feel you can’t go further lies an enormous opportunity to forge an entirely new level of willpower. When you feel you can’t continue, progress a little longer. Your self-discipline muscle will be amplified considerably. And the degree of your self-respect will increase vastly.



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Mike Crowden

Father of a daughter. Husband. Entrepreneur. Avid hiker, kayaker, camper, and lover of the outdoors. Go Ducks!

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