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Dadly Daily Declaration

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Our Dadly Daily Declaration series continues today with readings from Robin Sharma‘s newest book, The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life.

Today’s reading continues with the second stage of habit formation. Here are a few gems from today’s reading:

  • Stage two is called ‘Installation’ because it’s like you’re going through an interior renovation.
  • This stage will make you feel confused, stressed out and frustrated. You’ll feel like quitting even more. Just know and trust that all is good. Very good, actually. And though you can’t see it, you’re advancing even further in the habituation of making the early-rising routine yours for the rest of your life. Things are about to get easier. They really are. You’re just going through the second stage of the procedure. And it only feels messy. And, it only looks chaotic. The reality is you’re growing beautifully. And closing in on a whole new grade of performing.
  • When you’re wiring in this priceless new morning routine, the entire structure of your brain really is in upheaval as you manufacture new neural pathways. Your whole system really is being restructured. You’re honestly in seriously unfamiliar territory. Sprouting green shoots. Going blue ocean. Conquering new territories of self-potential and accessing higher universes of human optimization. Cortisol, the fear hormone, is elevated at this time so you’ll feel scared a lot of the time. All that’s happening within your brain is consuming huge reserves of energy. So, you’ll be exhausted often at stage two of habit installation. The ancient sages, seers and philosophers called such a profound personal transformation ‘The Dark Night of the Soul.’ 
  • In stage two, sometimes you might even feel like everything’s falling apart. But actually, all is coming together—even better. Your human perception is often not reality, as you’ve learned. It’s just you seeing the world through a lens. The fact is that the illusion of safety is always so much more deadly than your rise toward personal mastery. 

Those quotes lead us to today’s Dadly Daily Declaration:

Each time you go for a new habit, or greater skill, or even a more evolved core belief, you will go into this death-and-rebirth cycle. It does feel like the end. You’ll be so scared at times, tired a lot for a while and confused by what the dark voice of your ego will say. You’ll even feel like you’re going crazy sometimes. That’s why so few people do this work. And why so few reach the rare-air of epic performance and make a worldwide impact on the culture. It’s a sport only for outright warriors. It requires enormous courage, immense conviction and uncommon strength of character. You have all this in you. Just resolve to apply it.  With practice and patience, it’ll all get easier. And eventually automatic.



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Mike Crowden

Father of a daughter. Husband. Entrepreneur. Avid hiker, kayaker, camper, and lover of the outdoors. Go Ducks!

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