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Dadly Daily Declaration

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Today’s Dadly Daily Declaration comes from Chapter 16 (titled Bring It Home) of Aubrey Marcus‘ book, Own The Day, Own Your Life.  This is the final chapter and focuses on overcoming the inevitable force of resistance.  Marcus explains that knowing what to do and why to do it are huge components of owning your day.  But, resistance will hit before you can implement what you’ve learned.  So, you need to acquire the tools to overcome that resistance; this chapter gives you those tools.

Since our goal is to own our life and not get owned by it, Marcus spends this chapter helping you to build an ethos that gives you the encouragement to silence those voices and overcome the resistance.  You will also need to visualize your success, employ positive self-talk and rid yourself of self-ridicule.

Marcus offers the following steps to overcome that resistance and own your day:

  1. Forgive Yourself (All you can do is your best)
  2. Build Your Ethos
  3. Visualize Your Success
  4. Employ Positive Self-Talk
  5. Get Support from your Tribe

All of this leads us to today’s Dadly Daily Declaration:

By owning the day and taking control of your life, you can be the living proof to others of what is possible.  You can lead by example.  All around you, right now, you have people looking at you.  They are all looking for some sign that somebody knows what the hell is going on out theres and that something better is possible.  You can be that sign, t hat someone, that something better. You can be the one they point to.  You aren’t just owning the day for yourself, you are owning the day for everyone you know.  For everyone you love!  GO HERO, GO!



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Mike Crowden

Father of a daughter. Husband. Entrepreneur. Avid hiker, kayaker, camper, and lover of the outdoors. Go Ducks!

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