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Dadly Daily Declaration

When you're willing to do what it takes, nothing else matters.

We continue our Dadly Daily Declaration series with readings from Unfu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop.  Today’s reading focuses on the personal assertion “I Am Willing.”

So, let’s dive into today’s reading from chapter 2, “I Am Willing”.  We’re going to divide this chapter into two parts due to the sheer volume of gems and notes.  Here are a few gems from today’s reading:

  • Maybe you are, in fact,  unwilling.  Sometimes declaring your unwillingness can be just as powerful as declaring willingness…I AM UNWILLING!
  • You may say, “I am unwilling to live with this unhealthy body. I am unwilling to live paycheck to paycheck. I am unwilling to put up with unworkable, unsustainable relationships.”
  • That unwillingness ignites resolve and determination.  It provides an access to taking a robust and urgent approach to your situation.  When you are unwilling it often represents a line in the sand where you are no longer willing to go back the way you came.
  • Only when you’re unwilling to continue just simply existing, feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled, will you make the effort necessary to make a change.  Only when you’re unwilling to put up with the bullshit any longer will you grab your shovel and start digging.  At times there is no greater motivation to change than the unwillingness to do “this” any longer.
  • Which one works for you in your life currently? “I am willing” or “I am unwilling”?  Can you see how being unwilling can potentially be just as powerful as being willing?
  • Whichever category you fall into (willing or unwilling), you can not only shift the personal assertion, you can reframe the way you approach your problems.
  • At some level you must have some tolerance for having your life turn out like this…That’s actually okay.  Getting straight with yourself about having made the decision to stay where you are can be just as powerful as the decision tome.

  • Recognizing that you willingly put yourself in a place where you are unhappy is often all the impetus required to make an opening for real and lasting change.  This has to be cone without blaming yourself and turning yourself into a victim of some internal blip or character “flaw.”
  • Realizing that you have cognitively and systematically put yourself here means you can cognitively and systematically get yourself out. This is also the foundation of granting yourself the grace of acceptance, of embracing what has been and daring yourself to reach for an unimaginable future.
  • By stating and facing your unwillingness to change, you can take stock of yourself and your life and begin to create a sliver of light for you to act least start. The secret is, once you’ve separated the task from the drama of the past, you may find yourself more open to tackling it.  You’ll be able to get past the emotional swirl and straight to the heart of the issue itself.
  • All too often, we focus solely on what we don’t have, even though deep down we don’t really need it or perhaps even want it.  Making sure we’re striving for what we really want requires a constant check-n with ourselves.
  • If you really want something, then go get it.  Begin today, lay out your strategy, deal with your reality, and, most importantly, take the actions required and take them often!
  • Take a really hard look at your life and goals. Doing so forces you to reevaluate the path that leads to them.
  • We all tend to build things up in our minds to be a lot bigger than they really are. Break the task down into smaller declaration of willingness to “stand up,” “get out of bed,” “open my email,” etc., etc., etc.
  • It’s not the task that’s important, it’s the life that’s available after that’s at stake here. When you are free to be open and available, with nothing held back, no lies, no withholds or half-truths, you really are your most expressive, most alive self.
  • Most of the time, the task we’re actually facing is a lot simpler than we think it is.  The problem is, we usually don’t take the time to really look at it.  Some of the things we face certainly can be challenging, but at the same time what’s on the other side of those challenges is a life of our dreams. A life where we are willing and open and inspired to take it on…Make that assertion, “I am willing.”

Those gems lead us to today’s Dadly Daily Declaration:

When you’re willing to do what it takes, nothing else matters.  You won’t put off the things you’re truly willing to do. You won’t neglect the responsibility you took on because you will feel the strong sense of willingness to do them.

Willingness. It’s the lifeblood of the new, the infinite well of possibility and potential, a state where new futures arise and a whole new you can begin.

Ask yourself “Am I willing?” over and over until you can hear it, first thing in the morning, last thing at night, while you’re driving, while in the shower, “Am I willing?”  Ask, ask, ask until a resounding YES echoes through your consciousness. I AM WILLING!


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Mike Crowden

Father of a daughter. Husband. Entrepreneur. Avid hiker, kayaker, camper, and lover of the outdoors. Go Ducks!

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