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Dadly Daily Declaration

Don't Think about the Past or the Future.

Today, we continue our Dadly Daily Declaration series with readings from The Passion Paradox by authors Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness.  So far, Stulberg and Madness have discussed the pitfalls of passion and the sole focus of pursing your passion.  Today’s reading continues with a focus on developing the mastery mind-set by being in the here and now.

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Here are a few gems from today’s reading:

  • The philosopher and author Robert Pirsig writes about quality not as an adjective, but rather as an event. He describes it as something that occurs when an actor and his or her act are so seamlessly interwoven that they are hard to separate—they become one. Pirsig’s Quality represents a connection born out of the utmost respect, attention, and caring. 
  • Pirsig believes that it is during connections like these, connections that embody Quality, that a life is fully lived.
  • In order to experience Quality, you can’t be thinking about the past or the future or what other people may think of you or your work. Rather, you must be completely involved in whatever it is you are doing. Totally there. Fully present.
  • Harmonious passion is a conduit to Quality.
  • Harmonious passion and the Quality it births are a gateway to a very special experience. It’s an experience that elevates not only your work, but also your life.
  • Research spanning a variety of domains including art, athletics, and business found that harmonious passion is related to enhanced vitality, emotional engagement, learning, practice, performance, and overall life satisfaction.
  • Put differently, it seems that adopting the mastery mind-set and nurturing the harmonious passion it spawns are the keys to getting the most out of yourself, and the most out of life.
  • Adopting the mastery mind-set gives rise to harmonious passion, the best kind of passion, and a special sort of Quality: when you become so wrapped up in your activity that you’re hard to separate from it—you become one with it.
  • Harmonious passion comes with many benefits, such as enhanced vitality, performance, and life satisfaction. And yet there is still a cost of living with harmonious passion: everything else that you leave behind when you give your all to something.

Those gems lead us to today’s Dadly Daily Declaration:

In order to experience Quality, you can’t be thinking about the past or the future or what other people may think of you or your work. Rather, you must be completely involved in whatever it is you are doing. Totally there. Fully present.

In the midst of living with harmonious passion, we often feel more alive than ever.



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Mike Crowden

Father of a daughter. Husband. Entrepreneur. Avid hiker, kayaker, camper, and lover of the outdoors. Go Ducks!

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